Mid night in Aussie we still walk on the street, cewek satuikut-ikutan cowok tengah malam, tak jualin ntar sama Bule tau rasa loe. hahaha. Gara-gara dia kita tidak jadi masuk club, hahaha
Breakfast at Rostourant at Rygges Hotel, Perth, that we were stay. Habis sarapan masukkan lagi ke tas sebagian buat makan di Jalan, hahahha.. biar tidak lapar gichu lho.... Pak Ko malu katanya, tapi pas sudh di Bus dia yang makan paling banyak, hahahaha. (Joking).
Keluar dari shooping mall di Freemantle, Australia. I hate shooping, look at me, out from shooping mall but buy nothing. you know why???? cause no money. Indonesian said "BOKEK" !!! HAHAHAHAHA 4 supermen in the corner. hahahaha.... most popular men the jungle. hohohohohoho. Popular apanya ya???????? They are soooo cool....... No DOUBT!!!! semua sok sexy, padahal tidak sexy sama sekali, jauh panggang dari meja makan, haha Bye bye Australia, i gotta go back to Indonesia.. c u next time. Where is my next trip????? mmm.. no idea yet. Depend my wallet. hahahaha Apaan tuhhh/...... Peluk tiang segala?? hahahaha. Was very cold and i need to hold this pole wishing make me feel warmer. ahahahahaha. Really.......??????? I don't know!!!!! Walking on the street at the Noon in William St. Perth, Australia. Looking for food. A day before left, Asyiiikkk nya JJS di sepanjang William street , Perth. Sekedar cuci mata dan beli souvenir. |